Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What is freedom all about??

Freedom… What do you think of when you hear “freedom”? The freedom of speech? Ones free will? The freedom to do as you wish? The freedom or the right to vote? Like they say nowadays “nothing is ever free.” With freedom comes a price or consequence and for Rolihlahla Dalibhunga also well known as Nelson Mandela paid the price of his freedom when he was sentenced to life in prison in 1964 for treason. Nelson Mandela like others in his time was an activist against apartheid.
Spending almost three decades of his life imprisoned at Robben Island which is now a museum that hosts the largest photographic library. Nelson Mandela was released on the 18th of February 1990; a year later he was elected President of the ANC (African National Congress) who were South Africa’s governing party that defined themselves as the ‘disciplined force of the left’. In 1993 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts in ending the apartheid epidemic. History was re-written when he was democratically elected as the first black President of South Africa in 1994 - 1999.
The Nelson Mandela Foundation is now commemorating human rights day on the 21st of March 2008. Nelson quotes “it is important that the legal system itself be made affordable, accessible and efficient. The most elegantly drafted Human Rights are worth nothing if only the wealthy can enforce them or if remedies are subject to inordinate delays.”

The movie Sarafina starring Whoopi Goldberg as Mary Masembuko (teacher) and Leleti Khumalo as Sarafina the student who decides to take on the governments restrictions and leads a group of students through a protest in Soweto. One of the greatest movies ever produced depicts the social struggles, political corruptions, territorial restraints and the unjust laws between the whites and the non-whites. The movie used music as a tool to express and highlight the constant struggles the South Africans experienced during the mid 1970’s.

Among others Oprah Winfrey also shares the same dreams as Nelson Mandela. Oprah opened in 2007 a Leadership Academy for Girls she wanted to provide an opportunity for young girls of her homeland as she quotes “when you change a girl’s life, it’s not just that life. You start to affect a family, a community, a nation…” Been inspired by a conversation with Nelson Mandela Oprah truly brought her dreams to life.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that ‘freedom’ in Western lifestyle or culture is normally taken for granted for example the simplest ability to vote. Majority of us kiwis haven’t registered to vote. I for one can say that I have yet to register. This simple act of voting that we have had available to us since I can remember is a sense of freedom with no restrictions or unlawful force such as that experienced in South Africa. The freedom of speech what we normally do in everyday life. Speak freely of our emotions, opinions, religions and certain cultural beliefs. New Zealand being a very multicultural country have many ethnic groups that have migrated here for many reasons; seeking a better future, escaping war or political conflicts, gain citizenships or simply to be with family. This we see as ones free will to make better of themselves, taking that opportunity to live and act freely. Like mentioned previously freedom sometimes comes a price. Many who flee there homelands are caught trying to smuggle there way in or deported to refugee camps. Maybe we can start right here by making little changes today for a better tomorrow.


annie's word said...

Hey Jo!

Great blog. I liked the fact that you referred back to movies that you have seen. That Sarafina movie I'm sure is one that I haven't seen. I just don't like watching movies in that genre. It's too depressing to watch. But in the end I will watch it. HAHAHA!

Nelson Mandela! A very strong man. He's a good person to have as a role model, someone who has the guts to actually do something about FREEDOM!

It's funny how your blog was about freedom in the country. I personally thought that you were going to talk about having FREEDOM in your own household! CAN I NOT? hahaha. I don't know, I just feel so trapped in my own house even I need FREEDOM! Expect the unexpected i guess...

And it is about time that we started to change the world!

simplyslide said...

Hey Jo
I've seen that Sarafina movie its really good and I've seen toher movies too based around the life of Nelson Manela, too many in fact.
It's people like Nelson Mandela who show us that not everyone ahs the right to do whatever they wanted, and they may not get the opportunity some of us have to express our feelings.
Nice blog, good work Jo~!

Albie said...

Hi Jo,

I don't know much about the history of Nelson Mandela but what I can think of after reading your blog is how the Chinese government attempts to control freedom of its own people in China. Although, the Chinese government is making huge efforts to create an open & modern image to the outside world, most Chinese people can tell you it's a different story back home. For instance, web sites are constantly being monitored & blocked by the Chinese government regarding senitive issues which have negative impacts on its reputation. In China, one can never log onto any web sites containing information about Tibet. And also one will never see or hear any news reports on the same issue either on television or radio in Mainland China.

So while we have the rights to vote in NZ without feeling threatened by the government in power, go & register.


Akash Sandhu said...

Hey Jo!

I haven't seen the Sarafina movie! Now i hvae to see it.
I love the what you quoted from Oprah Winfrey “when you change a girl’s life, it’s not just that life. You start to affect a family, a community, a nation…”

It's mainly the girls that get affected emotionally.I love your blog on how to talked about freedom. To get freedom takes a long time, as you u said we fight for it and when u think you have won your freedom some places you go u just get trapped again.

I love my freedom in New Zealand. But once i get to Malaysia, my parent's go psycho on me. Haha i cant even go to my own smimming pool which is just upstairs.

And using Nelson Mandela as the main source of your blog was really good. As Annie said he's a big role model to all those people who need freedom and not just want it.

Now lets all change the world by getting our own freedom, accepting Asians, growing with everyones culture and laugh at stereotyping.

Nice work JO!

Zahara said...

Thanks you guys. I wasnt too sure if you'd enjoy it or found any sense of meaning within it. I appreciate you all commenting even though I was the last to post it up. Anywho I like what we've all blogged in a way our blogs link to each other in some sort of aspect to our arguements. Cheers. Keep up the good work :)

Zahara said...

Hey Albie, I so didnt know that. Thankyou for sharing that piece of important information with me. I couldnt imagine being monitored by the govenment and the sorts of repurcussions along with it if I couldnt browse the web about my neighbouring countries such as China and Tibet. Thanks for the advice I will actually go and register now...How do I register?? hahaha..

Zahara said...

Hey Akash

Yeah I know what you mean about freedom at home. I thought that freedom is looked at in the sense of ones self freedom within a family (I definately know about having no freedom in my teenage days) and the freedom in a wider perspective. Life itself with those of third world countries.

Zahara said...

Hey Ane,

Yeah go and watch it Im not sure if its out on dvd, but its just a good movie to watch about history. I know I watched it when I was actually 12 or 13 and since watching that Nelson Mandela was my IDOL. My freedom Leader!!